
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

雷夫斯达尔发电厂 is located in the Ovris Valley in Vik Municipality in Vestland County.

  • 1968
    Entered into operation
  • 92 MW
  • 421.3、妇女

The plant uses a height of fall of 523 metres from the intake reservoir Lake Målsetevatn.

The reservoir is regulated between 863 and 834 metres above sea level. Several stream intakes also supply water to the power plant's two turbines. 湖Kvilesteinsvatn, which is regulated between 920 and 995 metres above sea level, is also used as a regulating reservoir.

Discharge water from Målset power plant, located further upriver, is transferred to 雷夫斯达尔发电厂 in a tunnel. The discharge from 雷夫斯达尔发电厂 is then transferred to Hove power plant, which is located furthest down in the Vikja watercourse.

十大最好的网赌平台 is the largest owner and operates the power plant, Sognekraft AS owns the remainder.


公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 88%
Sognekraft 12%
  • 机厅
    Andreas Rokstad


  • 机厅
    Andreas Rokstad


  • In front of 雷夫斯达尔发电厂
    Andreas Rokstad

    In front of 雷夫斯达尔发电厂.

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